Web Marketing Tutorial
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One of the things that Google is on the lookout for is quality content

November 18, 2016 by · Leave a Comment 

web-marketing-tutorial-novPart of the quality is how comprehensive the article is towards the subject matter. The question is, how do you identify everything that could be answered by the search query?

The first step is to look at all the implicit and explicit meanings of the search query. It can be surprising in how many different ways a single query can be approached. For example, let’s look at the search query “computer maintenance best practices”. Some people who are searching that could be people who have computers at home. Other might be helpdesk team at a company. It could even be IT directors who want to keep up with changing practices. The content should answer the query for every single one of them.

The next step is to go through a few pages of the search engine results and look at all the meanings that the results show. Chances are that most of the purposes of the query will be there and even some which are not so obvious. Sometimes the deeper you go the more diverse the meanings.

Lastly, ask people. Use services which have Q&A components or open-ended surveys to get a list of what the visitors to the website think. There is no better way than to ask those that actually end up on the same website. There are also social sites like Quora that are perfect to ask or even to mine for data on the query.

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