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Who Represents Americans in a Polarized Culture?

In today’s deeply polarized political landscape, the question of representation has become more complex and contentious. Recent data from the online focus groups and opinion polling analysis company John Zogby Strategies highlights intriguing insights into whom Americans trust and feel represented by, revealing a nation divided along various lines of trust, identity, and political allegiance. The... [Read more]

The Advantages of Server Colocation: Unleashing the Potential for Businesses

In the rapidly evolving digital landscape, businesses are increasingly reliant on robust and efficient IT infrastructure to support their operations. One solution that has gained significant popularity is server colocation. By partnering with a reliable colocation hosting provider, businesses can benefit from enhanced performance, security, and scalability without the need to invest in costly on-premises... [Read more]

Marketing Ideas for Staying Competitive in the Internet Age

Since businesses have discovered the Internet, the field of digital marketing has become the most competitive advertising landscape in the world. In order to stay ahead of their competition, businesses must know how to effectively advertise their goods and services through the Internet medium. Here are a few tactics for making most of the Internet for marketing. Influencer marketing Influencers and... [Read more]

The Best Web Hosting Options For Customization

Blog provided by Rack Alley There are multiple things to consider when choosing a web hosting provider for your business. Every company has different needs and goals, which you’ll need to take into account while considering the different types of web hosting and their features. Many companies are content with choosing a shared hosting server and paying a cheap price to share a server with many other... [Read more]

Three big reasons why businesses switch web hosts

Blog provided by Rack Alley Having a good web hosting provider to sustain your website has become essential for businesses in the 21st century. In the highly competitive web hosting market, not every hosting provider can meet every company’s needs, and as a result, many companies choose to switch web hosts. Here are three big reasons why businesses make that switch: An increase in downtime This is... [Read more]

How and Why Every Great Leader Adopts a Learning Mindset

Article by Herb Kimble. Learning is a part of life, and it’s a passion that should never truly go away. Great leaders remain life-long learners. They study everything from history to better management techniques, and all that’s in-between. If you want to remain a great leader, remain a learner for life. Here are a few reasons why learning is the most important mindset in leadership. Open Mindedness Someone... [Read more]

New time limit tools are coming to both Facebook and Instagram soon

Article Submitted by iClimber Social media is a great way to keep in touch with others, stay up-to-date news and trends, and to let others know what you are up to. The power of social media is massive, as social media platforms have the ability to make content and communication global. While the benefits of social media are undoubtedly numerous, there is no denying the negative effects it can have... [Read more]

Reputation management: What affects how long it takes?

The last few years have seen a rise in services that specialize in fixing the reputations of organizations online. The problem is that the internet has given an equal (and one could argue, an outsize) voice to everyone who has an internet connection. The question that most companies ask is: How long will it take? It is not easy to answer how long a reputation repair campaign will take. The short answer... [Read more]

Three ways to take advantage of user-generated content

Nothing carries more weight to customers than the opinion and comments of other customers. An endorsement or review written in the own words of the customer is more powerful than any marketing material that you can create. Studies back this claim, showing that 90% of consumers trust the view of others over content from the brand. There are three ways to take advantage of user-generated content: Social... [Read more]

Ways to Market Online

As a marketing medium, the internet is a marketers dream. There are so many more ways to reach potential customers than ever. Each of these avenues also allow a level of targeting that have never been possible before. Take Facebook for example. You can now target users by age, location and interests. Here are some of the best places to advertise on the web: Facebook With Facebook you can reach customers... [Read more]

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