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How and Why Every Great Leader Adopts a Learning Mindset

May 23, 2019 by · Leave a Comment 

Article by Herb Kimble.

Learning is a part of life, and it’s a passion that should never truly go away. Great leaders remain life-long learners. They study everything from history to better management techniques, and all that’s in-between. If you want to remain a great leader, remain a learner for life.

Here are a few reasons why learning is the most important mindset in leadership.

Open Mindedness

Someone who has accepted learning as a lifelong passion remains open minded about their problems and challenges. They are willing to think outside the box, and have more ideas to draw upon, as they have observed successes and failures in life and history. A lifelong learner also understands that conflict is rarely black and white.

Speaking from Experience

Someone who has adopted a learning mindset tends to speak from experience. He or she understands that history is our best teacher, and tends to find solutions within the work of others. A person who remains a lifelong learner tends to study history, literature, and business management. This person feels equipped to speak on problems with authority.

Making Fewer Mistakes

Someone who is a lifelong learner tends to apply that learning mindset to their personal experience. They are self reflective, in the sense that they develop a keen sense of what works and where their own weakness lie. In management, this translates to fewer mistakes. People who are lifelong learners understand how to avoid common pitfalls, and build on their own efficiencies.

Bio: Herb Kimble is both an entrepreneur and a film and television producer. His roots as an accomplished actor gave him a passion for the arts. Today, Herb Kimble is co-founder of CineFocus Productions and launching Urban Flix, an inclusive streaming company based in Los Angeles.

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