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Basics of internet marketing

Any business owner thinking about getting a presence online has heard the term internet marketing. However, a lot of people don’t know exactly what it means and everything that it entails. To many internet marketing is some complicated process that requires marketing firms and consultants. This is not true. A good internet marketing campaign can be run by a single person or a small team. The main... [Read more]

Common Myths of Email Marketing Management

While auto-responders can be an effective marketing tool, it should always be used with caution. It isn’t a secret that email marketing is one of the most efficient ways to promote your product or service. However, there are numerous strategies that continue to plague thousands of campaigns due to misjudgement and inefficiency. As a marketer, it’s important that you understand that many tactics... [Read more]

Google is rolling out Symptom related answers for Mobile

Google announced that they are rolling out symptom related answers for mobile users. According to Google, one percent of all search queries are for symptoms. This is not uprisings as whenever anyone has an issue, they now turn to the search engine. The problem was that some of the results pages suggested remedies that might not have been inline with the conditions. This way Google can now direct people... [Read more]

Why Email Segmentation is So Effective

Segmentation is one of the most useful strategies that marketers still fail to apply. There are often times when email marketers will search for advice on how they can improve their open rates and click through rates when running their campaigns. Most of the time, they’ll overlook the one factor that will help increase conversions – segmentation. Piquing the Customer’s Interest If you aren’t... [Read more]

Google: 20 percent of mobile queries are voice searches

In his Google I/O 2016 keynote, Google CEO Sundar Pichai announced that 20 percent of the queries to the search app and android devices are voice search. This is impressive although lower than what former CEO Eric Schmidt said in September 2010: he said “25 percent of Android searches in the US are voice searches.” The discrepancy could be due to Schmidt referring to only Android, whilst Pichai... [Read more]

Microsoft blocks Google Chrome & other browsers from Cortana

It looks like any browser that competes with Microsoft’s new Edge browser will no longer within the Cortana digital assistant. So the next time you use cortana, any weblink will open in Edge directly, regardless of your default browser choice. Here is the Microsoft explanation: “Unfortunately, as Windows 10 has grown in adoption and usage, we have seen some software programs circumvent the design... [Read more]

How much is a website worth

Flipping websites and blogs used to be a massive money maker in the past. The usual process was to build a site, do some quick SEO and sell for a profit. This was easy when it did not require so much work to get ranked on Google, even for a short time. Long tail traffic was relatively untapped and there was a lot of potential. Not so anymore. Now selling a website means that the website will need to... [Read more]

Which digital advertising strategy is best for your company’s needs?

In the current digital climate, determining which digital advertising strategy is best for your business can be daunting. Digital agencies will inundate you with ambiguous acronyms like SEO, SEM, and PPC, and without proper knowledge, it becomes difficult to distinguish between the multitude of digital advertising campaigns and strategies available to you. The responsibility of a search engine marketing... [Read more]

Periscope on Twitter for iOS

Facebook has been promoting its live video offering lately. Even going to the extent of prioritizing Live video streams in the news feed. This is clearly aimed at attractive streamers from Periscope. In response, Twitter will now show periscope streams from users you follow directly in stream. In a post on its Medium page: “Whenever a broadcast is shared on Twitter, you tap the link to open the Periscope... [Read more]

Why Email Retargeting Should Be Highly Considered

Studies have shown that email customers are more valuable than the average customer. This is only one reason why email marketing is such an important tool for businesses today. While you may believe that there are new tactics that trump this so-called “outdated” method, emails lead generation rates and returns still remain at a high level. Retargeting Using retargeting as a strategy has increased... [Read more]

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