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Four conversion rate optimization tips

Article Written by : Adworks24 – Advertising & Marketing News The advantage of working on and improving conversion rate is that it improves the performance of all marketing channels at once. Even if you are satisfied with your current performance, there is always room for improvement. Here are some actionable tips on conversion rate optimization: Landing pages are the most popular discussion... [Read more]

The pros and cons of outbound marketing

Article Written by : Small Biz Web Shop Outbound marketing is the traditional marketing model. It is a marketing campaign that targets the masses with the goal of attracting the interest of the few that find the product or service interesting. Outbound marketing is called so because it pushes the message out. As opposed to inbound marketing which draws the customer in. The standard outlets for an outbound... [Read more]

Two common mistakes to avoid when pursuing customer success

Article written by :  The Great American Small Business Challenge Customer success is often confused with customer service. In fact, it is a separate process designed to increase the value of the customers we serve by making them more successful with our products. This aligns with the business goals of the customer while it enhances the revenue of the organization. Here are two common mistakes organizations... [Read more]

Why You Should Have Your Own Wikipedia Page

Summary: Wikipedia pages are one of the most valuable tools in your arsenal. When utilized correctly, Wikipedia can bring a substantial amount of traffic and attention to your business or even yourself. As one of the most popular websites on the Internet, the Wikipedia community has grown exponentially over the past decade and has long been used by many businesses to grow their image. Needless to say... [Read more]

The most useful reports in Google Analytics

Article written by : Top SEO Software Reviews Google Analytics is probably the most powerful analytics tool available for web traffic. The best part is that it is free to use. The problem is that most webmasters simply plug the code into the website and just look at how much traffic comes in and from where. It is so much more powerful than that. Set up properly, the reports provided can be extremely... [Read more]

One of the things that Google is on the lookout for is quality content

Part of the quality is how comprehensive the article is towards the subject matter. The question is, how do you identify everything that could be answered by the search query? The first step is to look at all the implicit and explicit meanings of the search query. It can be surprising in how many different ways a single query can be approached. For example, let’s look at the search query “computer... [Read more]

DealCrunch and Submit Express Review the Next Year in Marketing

If you want to know which marketing trends are going to be the most important in 2017, a good person to talk to is Pierre Zarokian. He’s been in search marketing since 1998, when he founded Submit Express with the goal of improving the Google rankings for his clients. Since, he’s branched out into reputation management and helped hundreds of businesses improve their ratings, and revenue, with some... [Read more]

Build backlinks by turning mentions into links

If you are promoting your site right, then chances are that other websites will be talking about you or your product. These are known as mentions. If none of these mentions actually link to your site or product that was referenced, then it is a missed opportunity for a link. Fortunately, with a little bit of work we can turn these into links that will help the site’s SEO. The first step is to find... [Read more]

Tips for Performing Keyword Research

Keyword research is the process followed by website operators to determine search terms people will enter into search engines to find certain search results. Websites can be structured around keywords to attain good visibility in search engines for particular searches. Certain steps are recommended by keyword experts for the successful implementation of keyword research. A search engine marketing service... [Read more]

How to optimize your e-commerce product pages

A lot of e-commerce sites have to treat their product pages as landing pages due to visitors coming to them directly from search engines. Most searches are now very specific and this usually means that the results page contains direct product page links. However, to get those pages ranked, optimizing them is crucial. Here are a few ways to go about doing that: Master category The first step is to... [Read more]

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