Web Marketing Tutorial

Why Web Marketing Is So Different From Offline Marketing

October 27, 2009 by · Leave a Comment 

There’s a technology surge that has spun a new generation of consumers. You are missing out on a wide spectrum of consumers if you only utilize offline marketing to reach your consumer base. The following gives a brief overview of how web marketing differs from offline marketing.

One huge difference between the two is the response time. When you’re marketing offline you have the ability to personalize your marketing campaign. This method allows customers to put a face with a name. It is during this process that you are able to get a true feel for how consumers may feel about your product or service instantly. Web marketing, on the other hand, requires marketers to wait for a response. There may be emails or invitations that require customer response. This is a less aggressive approach that requires you to wait on customers to reply.

Web marketing is still important, however, because it allows you to reach a larger audience. Offline marketing techniques can help you personalize your efforts, but web marketing can help you reach an audience that you may never access with offline marketing alone. The ability to reach consumers through social media circles, email, and websites allow marketers to grab the attention of customers all over the world. There are no limitations on the customers that you can access through this method. It’s always a good strategy to implement web marketing because it broadens your consumer base. It also allows you to advertise much faster than offline marketing