Web Marketing Tutorial
Internet Marketing

4 Tips to Developing a Pinterest Strategy For Your Business

July 26, 2013 by · Leave a Comment 

Thanks to a number of social media sites that businesses can use, it is difficult to determine which one that works best for your business.

However, Pinterest should be an interesting choice as it is visually compelling and for that reason can prove to be beneficial in the interests of promoting your company’s products.


With that said, here are 4 tips to develop a Pinterest Strategy for your business:


#1: Plan Your Boards Carefully

Planning your boards will mean looking at trends, promotions and seasonality. In fact, it is suggested that you plan your board one quarter in advance so there is continuity to the boards d pins that you post on a regular basis. It is the only way to promoting your business successfully.


#2: Focus on Pinning Compelling Images

Adding a compelling image to whatever you intend to pin is probably the best way to go if you want your content repinned in decent numbers. Of course, the quality image in questions has to be good enough to stand out of your followers news feed.


#3: Follow Pinners in Your Industry

Not only should you follow other pinners, bloggers and companies within your industry but also think about following your competition as well. This gives you access to more relevant content which you can repin to your own boards and build a community in the process.


#4: Promote Pinterest on Your Website & Other Social Media Channels

If you are on Facebook or Twitter, then don’t forget to promote your Pinterest posts through these social media channels as well. Not only can you add posts to your Facebook or Twitter page but you can add a Pinterest tab to the former.

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