Web Marketing Tutorial
Internet Marketing

3 Simple Ways to Optimize Your Images

May 15, 2013 by · Leave a Comment 

It goes without saying that images are an important part of any website. Yet so many sites ignore this important element by failing to optimize these images.

If you aren’t aware of how this should be done, here are 3 tips that can help you optimize the images on your website, so as to be more searchable:

#1: Using Image Descriptions
Describing an image within an HTML file works in three steps: a file name, an ‘alt’ and a ‘title’ attribute. The first aspect helps search engines grasp what the image depicts while the second offers an alternative description if the image does not load correctly. The third aspect is used when the image is also a link, and although it tends to be ignored, compared to alt text, still can be used as an important source of information.

#2: Using the Right Image Dimensions
The reason why it is so vital to pick the right image dimensions for the site is that it aids in site loading speed. And which is why you should determine the exact dimension instead of making your browser to do all the work. Even if content management systems do automatically resize the images to small, medium and large, it’s still better to understand how it inserts images while only uploading exactly sized images.

#3: Using the Right Image File Type
Among the several types of image types that are available, the PNG and JPEG are the most common ones on the internet. The reason for this is because they offer several optimization benefits which are, of course, dependent on the subject matter and size of the image. With that said, use JPEGs for big, photographic images while the PNG format can be used for smaller images.

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