Web Marketing Tutorial

How to improve the client-agency relationship in SEO

November 6, 2017 by · Leave a Comment 

In this article we look how we can improve the client-agency relationship in the SEO industry from both perspectives:


The first thing any client needs to understand is that you need to work with your agency to establish your methods and goals. Often, from the perspective of the agency, client goals are usually vague and result in complications. You have a problem, and you hired the agency to fix it for you. This is why you need to work with your agency and use a single point of contact to avoid confusion.

When dealing with an agency, learn to set expectations and be patient. However, if you do see that the metrics you are tracking are not performing to your liking, then talk to the agency immediately. Work out how to go forward in a way that both parties are happy.


The agency has a responsibility to ensure that the client understands exactly how things will work and to take the mystery out of the process. Part of the process involves assessing what the client contact point knows about the process and then correcting any misconceptions. Provide the client with a proper understanding of the process so that they know how you arrive at the results.

There are plenty of campaigns where you won’t see the sort of results a client expects. Set expectations and provide a solid flow of communication with the client. There are days when things won’t go so well and building a good foundation will maintain the relationship through those hard times.

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