Web Marketing Tutorial
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4 Common Content Marketing Mistakes

May 26, 2014 by · Leave a Comment 

While it’s all well and good that businesses are actively working on content marketing strategies, there are a number of mistakes that are usually made.

Checking for whether or not you are committing any mistakes can go a long way in bringing more profitability to the business for obvious reasons.

That said, here are 4 common content marketing mistakes that you might be making:

#1: No Strategy

Knowing your business goals and how content marketing can get you there is probably the most important thing to think about before investing resources. But that’s not all – determining what strategies you will spend time on to achieve these goals have to be clarified before doing anything else.

#2: No use of an Editorial Calendar

Without a doubt, content marketing takes years to build a following where consumers get into the habit of reading your content and sharing it in the process too. Even the smallest content marketing plan involves a number of moving parts – be it the coordination of a marketing manager, a designer and a writer. This is why it is absolutely necessary for you to have an editorial calendar.

#3: No Keyword Research

Search engine optimization and content marketing go hand-in-hand. It is imperative that you use a keyword research tool. In other words, with the help of finding the right keywords, you will create something that people actually want. One tool you can use is Inbound Writer.

#4: Not using multiple formats and platforms

Internet users aren’t interested in just words anymore. Infographics and tweets with pictures tend to get more shares than articles that contain words. In order to get used to this, it is important that you get used to creating videos. Never hesitate to add pictures either. Also, podcasts, animated GIFs and SlideShares are popular too.

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