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3 Reasons why Organic Reach has Reduced on Facebook

July 26, 2014 by · Leave a Comment 

Organic reach on Facebook has been one aspect that has been giving business cause for concern these days.

By definition, organic reach is the number of people that their posts reach every time which has reduced by almost 50 percent.

This statistic, among others, is the cause for business to wonder whether Facebook continues to be a proper marketing channel or not.

That said, here are 3 reasons why organic reach on Facebook has reduced, according to the social media network itself:

#1: More content

The first reason given is that with more and more content being posted every day, this has reached a point where it affects organic reach negatively. Also, posts are being added far more frequently than before while the number of business pages have also increased substantially.

#2: Only display of relevant stories

Facebook now uses an algorithm that tries to show people the most relevant stories based on certain factors – some of which include what comments were made on the story, who posted the story and what type of story it is.

While the social media giant will not give the details of how Google works, it does provide guidance for businesses to deal with these changes effectively.

#3: Not because of paid ads

Facebook has clearly stated that one of the reasons why organic reach hasn’t reduced is because of paid ads. The company goes on to explain that family and friends are the reason why people log into Facebook and not brands themselves. So, the reason why the organic reach has reduced is because they’re competing for the smaller space now dedicated in the News Feed for brands itself.

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